Thursday, 7 January 2016


According to The Law Society's update on accreditations - a consultation process with accredited individuals was undertaken during 2015. The review sought feedback on proposed changes to the accreditation in four areas, which will be completed by the end of December 2015.

Pre-requisite knowledge for accreditation has been updated to reference Welsh law and changes arising from the Children and Families Act 2014. The same assessment process will now be used for local authority and private practitioner applicants.

Case reports at initial accreditation have been replaced by the drafting of a skeleton argument/position statement and a case study exercise at interview. Re- accreditation is now based on the completion of an unseen case study and submission of two case reports related to care proceedings.

Individuals who held the adult party accreditation will be transferred to the Family Law Advanced accreditation under transitional arrangements.

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